
Bubtons: Buttons for Lil Bub

Jul 2nd 2012

Bubtons: Buttons for Lil Bub

Bub's fans demand accessories. Thus, Bubtons— custom button packs featuring four 1.25 inch buttons of Lil Bub herself.

Who is Bub, you ask? She's a toothless, "perma-kitten", dwarf cat from Bloomington, IN with two extra toes, a huge internet following, and a recent mention on Buzzfeed.

It all began when Mike Bridavsky started a blog on tumbler for his photogenic new kitty. Mike says of Bub's fame, "In no time at all, she developed a pretty intense fan base. And people started sending her messages and actually requested t-shirts... And then people kept asking for more shirts and more stuff so I started a BUBSTORE...I never really thought I'd be so involved with merchandising my cat, but it's pretty fun work."

Shop for Lil Bub goods now at

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