You've done the work to create the perfect button or beer bottle opener design that reflects your brewery's brand. And the brewery merchandise has arrived in time for your event. So now all you have left to figure out is: How do I display these buttons and bottle openers?
Bringing your craft beer merchandise straight to the people at events like conventions, concerts, or festivals is the best way to get your beer (and its products) in people's hands! And having a display that properly shows all of your buttons or openers can mean the difference between recruiting a couple new drinkers to finding lifelong supporters of your brewery.

Here are some of our favorite ideas for displaying beer merchandise—
1. Bowl or Bin
One of the easiest and most popular ways to display buttons and beer accessories is in a bin or bowl. People love to dig through a big pile of buttons or magnets to see all the different types of designs that may be hiding underneath. When selecting a bin to display your buttons, make sure the opening is large enough for people to reach into and is clear or has enough open space that people can spot your buttons from a distance. Bonus Tip: find a jar or bin with a lid, that way the container doubles as storage after you’ve packed up.
2. Button-O-Matic
The Button-O-Matic button dispensing machine is a great activation tool for any trade show or event or to just have in your shop. You can choose to set the machine to free, 50¢, or $1. And don't stop at 1 inch buttons, your brewery can throw in coupons or prize tickets inside the capsules, so attendees have a chance to win more gifts for beer lovers. Give your customers a treat with a fun, interactive machine!
3. Cork Board
Your personal button collection is displayed on a cork board at home, so why not use the same idea at your events?
You can display buttons by pressing the pinbacks into the cork for easy viewing. It’s a great way to get your display off the table when space is limited.
Don’t have a cork board? Sheets of cork and foam core boards are easy to come by at craft and creative reuse stores.
4. Think Outside the Box
There are so many different types of containers at thrift stores! A unique and eco-friendly way to display your buttons.
Outrider Design uses a vintage suitcase to display his bottle openers, buttons, and koozies. The container adds to the idea that his products are "found treasures" that his customers can carry around with them.
Looking for more ways your brewery can use buttons and bottle openers? Read how Off Color Brewery uses them every day! We also have a fun post on historical displays.